Xperient - Communication Skills Training - bringing learning to life
Communication Skills Training Programmes

Green Policy

Everyone at Xperient is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the planet.

In particular, as a business, we aim to:

  1. Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  2. Minimise toxic emissions through the careful selection and use of print technology.
  3. Actively promote recycling and reuse of materials, including use of sustainably managed resources.
  4. Meet or exceed all environmental legislation that relates to our operations.
  5. Assess all travel arrangements to reduce emissions where possible.
  6. Encourage all our suppliers and third-party associates to assess their own activity in line with an evolving environmental agenda.
  7. We welcome debate and discussion as to how to improve our efforts in any area.

Talk to me about what you’re looking for in a communication skills programme.